TRAEDONYA was born in Rocky Mount, NC . In her formative years she was raised in the Bronx, NY. In essence she is a country-city girl....a slice of both. Being raised by the funk and hip hop, she has those influences in her music today. While in college, she was trained in the genre of jazz by some greats at the New School of Social Research in NYC. This cross section of cultures and music has allowed this artist to be comfortable across musical genres and cultures. While in the U.K she fell in love with 2-step Garage and Drum n Bass. While there, she got a great taste of those scenes. This has allowed her to arrive at this destination in her career--being labeled a 'GENRE BUSTING ARTIST'. In music speak this is called a cross over artist. Being a international fun party girl who loves living out of a bag and collecting as many stamps in her passport is who this artist is. Her remix compilation on her latest single ''I'LL GIVE IT 2 U'' is just the tip of the iceberg for this artist. There is no box or limit for her; it is about the world language called music.

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