We at One Entertainment Magazine, represent strong values, honesty, integrity, ability, hard work and the promise of always providing a constant effort to help our clients reach their goals.
We're standing by, ready to invest our resources in you....are you ready to invest in yourself?
With that being said, we would like to invite you, the Urban Model to submit your best images to us. Please follow the guidelines below
With that being said, we would like to invite you, the Urban Model to submit your best images to us. Please follow the guidelines below
- Model Name:
- Official Website URL::
- Twitter URL:
- Facebook URL:
- MySpace URL:
- Booking Contact E-mail:
- Phone Number:
- Biography:
- Resume (optional)
- Photos (mandatory, please send at least 5 professional Hi-Res photos) HI-RES are the original edited image file. this file is usually large and must be sent in groups of 2 per email unless you know how to bundle them. Please do not send web sized images as we can reduce them if we need to.
What Not To Do:
- Do not send cell phone photos
-No Nudes (we can’t publish those)
- You must be 18 or older in order to be listed on the
website. Do not send your information if you are under the age of 18.
Please submit the following information to us: modelmodeusa@gmail.com
Please submit the following information to us: modelmodeusa@gmail.com